
A Rainbow in my Room

When I in doubt, back when I was a child of faith, I prayed to God—white-haired, father-figured and slim-Santa like—to take a personal interest in my problems and intervene in my favor. As a maid, after the father-figure faded, I forwarded my quandaries as to which way to go, which decision to make, which road […]

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The Mammogram Rite

On my 40th birthday, (some years ago now), I received an unexpected greeting card from my doctor.  How lovely, right? Happy Birthday, it read: Time to schedule a mammogram!  In one fell sentence, I plummeted maiden to mother to crone. My breasts shriveled from sexy tools used to attract a mate, skipped over their potential as a beneficent means

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Going West

I come from a lineage of pioneers. How about you? Pioneers who left places for many reasons, but mostly because they didn’t like the governments or religions or economic or environmental conditions surrounding them. When times get tough we pull up stakes and move to the next frontier, set up a temporary utopia with a

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