November 2020

Willa Cather: O Pioneers

Cather’s O Pioneers! (O Fathers’ Daughters!)

Alexandra Bergson, the protagonist of Willa Cather’s O Pioneers!, is a father’s daughter, programmed at his deathbed to continue his work and secure the family and their estate. Alexandra is bold, pragmatic, driven and willing—an empty vessel.  She accepts of course, and in just 16 years accomplishes his vision, single-mindedly and single-handedly increasing the land for herself and […]

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Juliet Grames's The Seven or Eight Deaths of Stella Fortuna

A Reflection on Juliet Grames’s The Seven or Eight Deaths of Stella Fortuna

On its surface, The Seven or Eight Deaths of Stella Fortuna is an immigrant’s tale. Beneath, the plot details the ways fathers’ and husbands’ violent indifference and indifferent violence subjugates wives and daughters—turns them into property, not people. The men in this novel cajole, coerce, corral, and at times beat women into marriage, endless child-bearing,

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